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Calculate Z'-factor of assay quality


calculateZPrime(res, nConc = 2)



Object of class MALDIassay


Numeric, number of top and bottom concentrations to be used to calculate the pseudo positive and negative control.


Numeric vector of Z'-factors.


The most common way to measure the quality of an assay is the so-called Z'-factor, which describes the separation of the positive and negative control in terms of their standard deviations \(\sigma_p\) and \(\sigma_n\). The Z'-factor is defined as Ji-Hu Zhang et al., A simple statistical parameter for use in evaluation and validation of high throughput screening assays. $$Z' = 1 - (3 * (\sigma_p+\sigma_n))/|\mu_p-\mu_n|$$

where \(\mu_p\) and \(\mu_p\) is the mean value of the positive (response expected) and negative (no response expected) control, respectively. Therefore, the assay quality is independent of the shape of the concentration response curve and solely depend on two control values.

Note, the nConc highest concentrations are assumed as positive control, whereas the nConc lowest concentrations are used as negative.

Z' ~ 1perfect assay
1 > Z' > 0.5excellent assay
0.5 > Z' > 0moderate assay
Z' = 0good only for yes/no response
Z' < 0unacceptable


# see example for `fitCurve()` to see how this data was generated
calculateZPrime(Blank2022res, nConc = 2)       
#>  [1] -3.237607219 -1.252868716 -5.541275313 -4.970064620 -1.631465147
#>  [6] -0.957522437 -0.223832609 -0.902466878 -1.017670816 -1.058958794
#> [11] -1.562843832 -2.115946846 -0.024041256 -0.812729462 -0.691440743
#> [16] -0.009526589  0.030512012  0.077456813  0.266325098  0.216154352
#> [21]  0.151846342  0.140734203 -0.020104856