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MALDIcellassay (development version)

  • explain acronyms in DESCRIPTION file
  • make readme more informative
  • add logo
  • add citation
  • corrections in example-vignette

MALDIcellassay 0.4.47

CRAN release: 2024-08-29

  • fix problems with description and title field in DESCRITPION file

MALDIcellassay 0.4.46

  • fix problems related to invalid file URI in man/calculateZPrime.Rd
  • add examples to all functions
  • add example data
  • add verbose argument to functions that print via cat
  • substituted cat with warning or stop whenever possible

MALDIcellassay 0.4.45

  • fix problems with CRAN submission about using ::: to import functions

MALDIcellassay 0.4.40

  • Initial CRAN submission.