Calculate strictly standardized mean difference (SSMD)
The strictly standardized mean difference (SSMD) is a measure of effect size. It is the mean divided by the standard deviation of a difference between the positive and negative control.
$$\gamma=\frac{\mid\mu_n - \mu_p\mid}{\sqrt{\sigma_n^2 + \sigma_p^2}}$$
The SSMD can be easily be interpreted as it denotes the difference between positve and negative controls in units of standard deviation.
# see example for `fitCurve()` to see how this data was generated
calculateSSMD(Blank2022res, nConc = 2)
#> [1] 0.9929269 1.8295971 0.4589847 0.5734228 1.2892462 1.7888130 3.1918283
#> [8] 1.8648946 1.6817642 1.6596281 1.6481736 1.2971227 4.0481543 2.3039603
#> [15] 2.4210874 3.8748702 3.8690381 3.9669764 5.0425580 4.6732764 4.3425562
#> [22] 4.3308703 3.6642894