Intensity matrix from MALDI mass spectrometry data of EOC cells treated with different concentrations of SAHA.
It is used to demonstrate the usage of MALDIcellassay
Matrix with concentrations of original spectra as rownames and m/z-values as colnames.
The concentrations include: 0, 0.04, 0.12, 0.37, 1.11, 3.33, 10 and 30 uM of SAHA at 4 replicates each.
The original spectra were trimmed to 400-900 Da mass-range to keep the file size small.
The peaks are the result of MALDIquant::intensityMatrix(Blank2022peaks, Blank2022spec)
Blank, M., Enzlein, T. & Hopf, C. LPS-induced lipid alterations in microglia revealed by MALDI mass spectrometry-based cell fingerprinting in neuroinflammation studies. Sci Rep 12, 2908 (2022).